The Elizabethan style consists in some key caracteres as: corsets, lace, hooded cloaks, velvet, hats, feathers, big ruffs , dramatic and volumous sleeves, fur (marten , sable ), gowns (capes), padded shouders and skirts, petticoat and V necklines.
We have a goo.d view of the Elizabethan fashion style by watching the film "Elizabeth-the golden age " (winner of the Oscar for the best wardrobe), where you can see the english court.of the 16th from the insigh
Now back to the 20th century were we are full Elizabethan inspiration, on runway and in fashion editorials.
- Fashion by Sharif Hamza on Vogue Russia december 2010, where we can see a lot of inpiration, we have the ruffs, the capes, the materials: lace, embroidery. But of course not everything as an Elizabethan inspiration, most of the thing show too much skins, and the hells are too high.
- John Gallaino for Dior haute-couture, S/S 2009.
- Victor & Rolf ready-to-wear, Fall 2010/11
We can see in this outfit a clear inpiration on elizabethan clothing, by looking to the big shouders, and the collar of the dress.
- Karl Lagerfeld, for Fendi, fall 2008/09
- Alexader MqQueen obviously in this collection has as an inspiration the colonization in the Elizabethan times; pirates, militay, tribes, aristocracy.
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